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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Ships through the Locks Tomorrow Christmas Ships to Sail Around Ballard
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Locks Then and Now
One participant from this years classic auto exhibit. |
Arguably, the greatest attraction is in fact the primary purpose of the facility, which is to assist boats to go from the inland waterways out to the Sound (and locations beyond) and vice versa. Being summertime there will be the usual assortment of working boats such as fishing vessels, barges, tugs and research vessels and a wide variety of pleasure boats as well. From canoes and kayaks on the humbler end, to yachts befitting the "Gotrocks" of the world, you're bound to see a non-stop parade of boats locking through.
For those of us who have lived in Seattle a while and who have made many trips to the locks it is difficult to imagine the facility not being there and to bring guests for a visit does reawaken an appreciation for what it really is. There is however, at least one person who remembers quite vividly the days before the locks were built. Her name is Rosetta Cleary, born 1904, and she has been a Ballard resident since the early 1900's! Her father was a carpenter with the U.S. Corps of Engineers and was working at Fort Warden when he was offered a position here in Seattle to work as a carpenter in the construction of the locks which took place between 1911 and 1916.
Here's how Rosetta remembered it in an interview I had with her:
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The lock in mid construction. Circa a long time ago. |
Tom: And, so he moved over here, do you remember when that was, it was before the locks, were they still working on them?
Rosetta: "No they hadn't started them, that's how we came to Ballard. Papa was in charge down in Port Townsend. And then they transferred daddy up here to work on the locks. And he worked from the very beginning when it was just a hole but he was in the carpenters shop. He didn't have to push and carry and roll those big old wheelbarrows. They were terribly heavy, because you know cement, when it mixed is very heavy and so they had to have very heavy things to carry it in so on top of the heavy lift that they had, they had to push these great big, heavy wheelbarrows. It was like a parade the way they had to work. They all worked in a row and there was a certain number of them I can't remember how many it was that was regular form they had for the wheelers. And when they wanted a drink of water they couldn't even go for it. They had to stand alongside of the wheelbarrow and they had water boys and when they wanted a drink the men held up their hands and stood by the wheelbarrow. They never left that wheelbarrow and got their drink. And then they would go on their way. But they could not leave the wheelbarrow".
During the interview she referred to the arduous nature of the work she would see when would go down to the site to watch the progress of the construction. Her dad was in charge of the carpentry shop as she mentioned and two of her brothers also worked briefly as "water boys".
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Construction crew working with concrete. |
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Construction crew at locks. |
Notice all the hand tools in use. The safety hats seem to be either felt fedoras or tweed caps commonly seen in old movies worn by newsboys and which, at best, could only provide some small bit of protection from an errantly thrown newspaper!
Later in the interview she discussed watching the boats from the walls alongside the locks.
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View from canoe in small lock. Notice the single railing. |

All photos by permission of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers except the "View from canoe in small lock" which is courtesy of Pat Carlton.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Last Free Concert at the Locks This Summer

Beginning in June and continuing through Labor Day, the concerts attracted thousands of listeners to the Locks to hear a wide variety of music- jazz to gospel, salsa to bagpipes-- along with flower shows and an antique car exhibit. Bicyclists stop to listen, couples dance on the grass, kids clap hands; everyone enjoys the music in the beautiful setting of the gardens.
Catch the last concert of the season tomorrow at the Locks!
Folding chairs are available at 1:30 p.m. (first come/first served basis) and the music begins at 2:00 p.m.
Monday, Labor Day, September 6 - Michael Clune/Sleep Til Noon Band
Come and enjoy!
Some great pics from other summer highlights, including the fuchsias and cars:
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
It's Silver Time!

Monday, August 2, 2010
Bebb & Gould Plaque
Excerpted from the Friends of the Ballard Locks website. For full article, see: Administration Building Plaque: Bebb & Gould & Molten Metal.
Recently, we discovered some background information about the artist who sculpted the original artwork for this plaque. We'll include that here at the beginning of the original article posted back in 2010.
Gary Westwood
A self-trained visual artist, Gary Westwood had a hand in many iconic images of the 1980s, including the Puyallup Fair mascot (a wearable pig’s head made of latex), a panda head and boots for the Kent Police Department’s mascot, a wax caricature of famed sportscaster Wayne Cody for the promotional “Watch Wayne Disappear” diet campaign, and the crab legs worn by singing waiters in a commercial for the Sea Galley restaurant (available on YouTube!).
Westwood’s work on the plaque was more solemn. His daughter, Tisha ValWes, recalls that the two of them visited the raptor exhibit at Woodland Park Zoo to photograph and sketch the eagles resulting in the majestic bird that spreads its wings at the top of the tablet. Westwood also created most of the other elements of the plaque, sculpting them in clay before the images were cast in bronze.
... the following was the original post from 2010 ...
Although originally designed by Bebb & Gould in their plan for the locks buildings and grounds, it was not until 1985 that the Plaque on the East side of the Administration Building was completed.
You may have visited the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks many times and observed the plaque, but not know its story. The plaque shown above is attached to the east side exterior wall of the administration building.
Although work on the original ship canal buildings and grounds, designed by the firm of Bebb & Gould, was completed in 1922, the plaque was not created until 1985. When the locks underwent an $8 million rehabilitation from 1982 to 1985, the Corps rediscovered the original design drawings for the plaque and decided to have the work completed.
The design of the plaque is rich in symbolism including:
1. The Eagle, emblem of the United States, used by the Corps of Engineers in its Coat-of-Arms.
2. The French term “Essayons” which is the motto of the Corps and means “let us try”.
3. The Castle, the symbol of the Corps of Engineers since 1839.
The plaque was dedicated in a ceremony in August of 1985 commemorating the rehabilitation project. Completed nearly 70 years after opening of the locks, the plaque looks to the future with a commitment to continuing service to the public.
Excerpted from the Friends of the Ballard Locks website. For full article, see: Administration Building Plaque: Bebb & Gould & Molten Metal.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
All Hail the Kings!

Friday, July 2, 2010
Help Us Confirm: Who's In First?
"I heartily congratulate Seattle and Washington on the completion of the canal. It is of great consequence commercially and may become of at least as great consequence from the navy standpoint. The event you celebrate is of consequence to the whole country.
Theodore Roosevelt"
Hundreds of boats, canoes and rowboats of all sizes were to join the parade and were waiting in Salmon Bay to join the flotilla as it emerged from the locks and accompany it to the final inland destination inside Lake Washington. Thousands of onlookers had gathered to watch this spectacle all along the canal and there were several spots where the boats stopped to deliver speeches by dignitaries. Exhibitions and entertainment were staged along the route as well. This is how the events of the day have widely been reported.
Photo of the Roosevelt sailing through canal is courtesy of USACE.
Photos of Elmer Reed and his view of the Roosevelt are taken from Pat Reed's family photo album.
Sources for this article include:
Seattle Post Intelligencer, July 4 and 5, 1917
Seattle Times, July 4 and 5, 1917 and
The Ballard Locks by Adam Woog.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Great Free Concerts at the Locks!
There will be lots more free music at the Ballard Locks all summer!
See the previous post or check out the most up-to-date schedule at the USACE events page.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sockeye Swimming Up the Ladder

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Bagpipes on Sunday
Friday, June 4, 2010
Fish Ladder is Open! Sockeye are Swimming!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Spring Cleaning: Preparing the Fish Ladder for Salmon!

Chinook (king) and Coho (silver) salmon runs follow during the summer months.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Opening Day of Boating Season!
Wow! It’s hard to believe that Opening Day of boating season is just around the corner.
Traditionally, opening day is celebrated on the first Saturday in May. In 2010, that's this coming Saturday, May 1. However, you'll see boat traffic through the locks increase all week as boaters make their way to the lakes & ship canal.
Seattle has a rich maritime tradition; opening day is to boating what robins are to spring.
Now is the time to pull your boat out and get it ready for another exciting season on the water. If you visit the locks you’re sure to see hundreds of boats making the passage.
Many of these boats are on their way to cheer on their favorite team at the Windermere Cup races held in the Montlake Cut. If you’ve never experienced this special day you should make plans. It’s hard to imagine a better place to see a race up close where you can see the strain as each rower gives their all.
Below is a slideshow of some pictures of boats through the locks and ship canal.
Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Corps of Engineers has installed those tubes; they are smolt flumes designed to help juvenile salmon safely bypass the Locks on their migration out to the ocean.

The 4 flumes are different sizes to better regulate the outflow of water from the freshwater lakes. The narrow outer ends of the tubes contain an electronic screen to read the PIT tags that are implanted in some of the smolts. PIT is "passive integrated transponder," a microchip type of tracking device.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Pump Out: The Small Lock's Turn

Starting at low tide on March 8, the water remaining in the chamber will be pumped out so the lower walls and floor are accessible.
The pumps for this operation are located underneath the Administration Building. If you peek in the basement windows, you may be able to see some of the plumbing for the pumps.

It takes about 4 hours to drain the small lock whereas the large lock (pictured left) requires about 10 hours to pump dry. See previous entries on the Large Lock Pump Out and More Pump Out Pictures.
Barring unforeseen findings, the small lock is scheduled to re-open to boat traffic by March 20.
For current information about the Lake Washington Ship Canal, check out the information from the USACE Seattle District.
Next on the "to-do" list is installation of the smolt flumes on the spillway dam in April and fish ladder cleaning in June.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friends of the Ballard Locks Meeting Thursday, February 18th, 6:30pm
There will be a meeting of the Friends of the Ballard Locks this Thursday!
We meet at the locks at 6:30pm. Parking is free after 6pm in the main locks lot.
If you'd like to join us, please fill out our volunteer form or drop a line to We'll send you directions to the meeting & make sure you can find us!
Friday, January 29, 2010
In Bloom: Smelling and Looking Good
Can You Smell the Chocolate....or is it Vanilla?
This week we are still experiencing a warming trend and even a bit of sunshine as this article is composed.
All the plants mentioned in the last garden update are still blooming, but this week you can almost snack your way through the garden. You will have to use your imagination, but read on to understand what we mean.
Camellias at entrance -- help us identify the type!
As you come into the garden at the entrance on the left you can see the red flowers of one of the many Camellias that grow through out the garden. We are not sure the specific name of this Camellia – and we welcome any leads (comment on this post if you have ideas!).
Camellia x williamsii 'Bow Bells'
At the Visitor Center entrance the Camellia x williamsii ‘Bow Bells’ is in full bloom. The single rose pink flowers stand out against the dark green foliage.
Across the main lawn you will be able to see one of the first Rhododendrons blooming.
Rhododendron 'Rosamundi'
Light pink flowers cover Rhododendron ‘Rosamuni’.
Daphne mezereum
Further along the promenade on the right side at the pathway to the band stage the two Daphne mezereum (February Daphne) are blooming with white and purple flowers. This plant is deciduous so look for small flowers on branches of the small shrubs.
Daphne odora 'Marginata'
The evergreen Daphne odora ‘Marginata’ (Winter Daphne) at the pathway should have open flowers by the weekend if the warm temperatures continue. There will be a sweet scent on the air when that happens.
Helleborus orientalis
So you may be ready for your snack by the time you get to the Fuchsia bed where you will see Helleborus orientalis (Lenten Rose) blooming. (You are in front of the Administration building).
Azara microphylla
Back up a bit and wander a few meters east towards the machine shop to the Azara microphylla and look at the under side of the branches. Under the very small evergreen leaves you will find tiny yellow flowers that have been opening up all week. This is where your nose will smell a different kind of sweet scent on the air.
Each person has their own interpretation on the scent, but most often the survey says it is chocolate or vanilla. If you missed the Camellia reticulata on your last visit you should see it now – the entire bush is covered in big showy pink flowers. Can you find? (Check out the previous garden article for the location.)
Camellia japonica 'Magnioliaflora'
Walk around the east end of the rose garden and follow the front edge of the warehouse toward the lock wall at the end of that planting bed is the Viburnum x bodnantense we featured in the last post--right across from that you will find the Camellia japonica ‘Magnoliaflora’ blooming. It has semi double blush pink flowers and is often referred to as Peach Blossom Camellia.
As you work your way back towards the promenade you can glance out over the lawn and see that the Cherry trees are starting to bloom.
Enjoy your visit.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friends of the Ballard Locks Meeting Thursday, January 21, 6:30pm
We meet at the locks at 6:30pm. Parking is free after 6pm in the main locks lot.
If you'd like to join us, please fill out our volunteer form or drop a line to We'll send you directions to the meeting & make sure you can find us!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
In Bloom: Something Smells Good in the Locks Gardens

Over the next few weeks we will see more plants starting to bloom. We will keep you posted via this blog.