Removing gate in April |
UPDATE. Today's scheduled walkway closing did not happen at the posted time. Mechanical issues force a postponement. It may happen today or tbd. Do check with available resources for more up to date info. Web links and a phone number can be found at the end of this post.
For those who use the walkway to cross the canal please read the following notice taken from the Corps Facebook page. Be sure to check their page for further notices as more construction is planned for the summer.
Walkway closed for gate removal. |
ATTENTION: We will be having a closure of the walkway adjacent to the
spillway dam on MONDAY. That is THIS MONDAY JUNE 16 after 9AM. If you
regularly commute through the locks be advised that you need to transit
the walkway before 9AM. The closures could last several hours so DO NOT
COUNT ON THE LOCKS FOR COMMUTING after 9AM. We will regularly post
updates and let you know as soon as we can when the next closure will
occur. If you plan on visiting the locks on Monday and want to view the
salmon and tainter gate removal ONLY, park near Commodore Park in
Magnolia. If you plan on visiting the locks and would rather spend your
time viewing a tainter gate removal, boats and gardens then park on the
Ballard side. Thank you for your patience, it's going to be quite the
summer for construction!
Walkway closure times will be:
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